Gramps Stamps


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Gramps Stamps nfts

Gramps is a crusty old curmudgeon that has lived a thousand lifetimes.  He fears no man, and can not be killed by mortal means.  He has worn many faces as he has wandered the planet.  Always moving, always alone, always unable to die…plus, he’s funny.

Start Collecting Gramps Stamps now!

LauncheD 3.17.22

It’s time to meet Gramps.  He’s a grumpy old jerk but we love him.  Follow his bizarre life’s journey with these unique postage themed NFTs!

Who is gramps?

He's been everywhere.

He hated it. Complained the whole way and, officially, he's not welcome back.

He's not sure what you're talking about

He just knows he don't like it none.

Loveable grump
Active senior
Known shoplifter

Support the irritable and infirm.

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Fire up your dang ol’ computer boxes and chew the fat with this old sack off angry bees known as Gramps.  If his hearing aide is turned up, and he’s awake, he’ll give you an earful.

All the cool kids are doin' it

GRamps stampS

Gramps stamps are not legal tender or postage.  They’re just really really awesome NFTs that make us giggle.  If you’re interested in an NFT project that supports artists, that’s funny, that has real personality and a crabby demeanor, buy a gall-darn Gramps Stramp already. 

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